Breakthrough Programme
The Breakthrough Programme consists of three parts, the Schools element working with schools such as Boys & Girls Model, Blessed Trinity College, Mercy College, and Coláiste Feirste for young people aged 14-16, the schools decide on pupil allocation. The Detached and Youth Centre-based Programme for 14-18yrs and the Community element for 16-24 years old.
Main Objective
The main objective of our programme that differs from other projects is that we are aiming to reconnect young people with their communities, we achieve this by being partnered with and based in the local community organisations, schools and youth centres.
Young People Can Grow
The programme is focused on the belief that young people can grow and change and will provide the support they need to do so. Central to this programme is the relationship between the young person and the youth outreach mentor.
We work across North Belfast, the Shankill, Newtownabbey and Rathcoole.
Cross Community Work
Our funding promotes the cross community work that we are doing, reaching out to young people from different backgrounds, we offer an array of activities, group sessions, mentoring and training within our programmes, that help to develop young people’s social, interpersonal and life skills.
Pathways to Training
We are also able to offer pathways to training, education and employment once your six month programme with us is complete. We hope that our volunteering opportunities will help prepare you for the work place or inspire you to make decisions on how you want to progress.
Incentive Payment
We offer an incentive payment, childcare if required, lunch and transport, so accessing our service is easy and gives you a little money in your pocket and you can enjoy a meal in good company.
For further information contact Sean Breen on 02890742255 or email sean.breen@ashtoncentre.com
Breakthrough Programme can also be contcated via their facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/breakthroughbelfast/