START Programme during COVID

Lockdown in New Lodge Before lockdown the New Lodge Youth Centre had 50 participants in the START Programme engaging in a range of different ways. Group work, one to one Mentoring, International Leadership Programmes, Youth Justice Diversionary Programmes, Mentoring...

New Lodge Youth Centre Update

At New Lodge Youth Centre we are continuing to work with and support those young people in need within our communities. With the Covid-19 pandemic and government guidelines forcing the closure of the Youth Centre we have had to find new innovative ways to work with...

CALL/ICT Project

The CALL/ICT project is Ashton’s Essential Skills programme, part of the Training and Employment department. We provide accredited courses in English and Maths using computers for residents of the Greater New Lodge area. Classes are small and we also offer one-to-one...

Bridge of Hope Available To Help You

As with everyone else the Bridge of Hope team went into lockdown at the end of March but they very quickly settled into the new ‘normal’ of working from home to support our clients during these challenging times. Since the 25th March the team have worked with over 850...