new mindset new results concept handwritten on blackboard
Bridge of Hope is a department of Ashton Community Trust that provides a wide range of support and wellbeing services.
Did you know we deliver Life Coaching? It’s a fantastic positive mental health service that can help you identify and achieve personal goals and get great results. Your one to one sessions will help you to develop positive patterns in life, build resilience, focus on your existing strengths and rediscover purpose in life. If you would like to try life coaching and work towards the ‘New Year and a New You’ then get in touch with the team on 028 90221022.
As an organisation that supports those affected by the conflict we run a ‘Dealing With The Past’ programme called Transitional Justice Grassroots Toolkit. This work is centred on the principle that people living in areas that experienced the worst impacts of the conflict, have a vital contribution to make to the work of dealing with the past and how society moves forward. The Transitional Justice Grassroots programme, developed in partnership with TJI at Ulster University, offers the opportunity to look at what happened here, and make useful comparisons with other countries that are coming out of conflict. We’ve been running this Toolkit programme successfully since 2011 with community groups right across Belfast. We feel it shows local people are willing to engage in respectful conversations about what happened in the past but more importantly how to build a rights based society for the future . A new Toolkit programme is starting in January. If you are interested in this work please get in touch with Bridge of Hope Legacy Coordinator Áine Magee on 028 9032 2289.
Bridge of Hope is best known for its stress busting range of personal development courses. Our provisional training schedule for the next few months involves these dates – note these dates may be subject to change:
Take 5 Resilience 6 January 2018
Understanding Stress for Personal Growth 20-21 January 2018
Love Yourself, Heal Your Life 3-5 February 2018
Love yourself, Heal your Life 23-25 February 2018
If you would be interested in these courses, funded by the Victims & Survivors Service please get in touch with Training Coordinator Mary Stanton on 028 9032 2289 and she will take your details and if applicable add your name to waiting lists.
Finally, Bridge of Hope has been shortlisted in the Promoting Healthy Equity Category in the Belfast Health City Awards taking place on 5 December 2017. We’re up against stiff competition as there is so much good work being done by local groups and public bodies. To be nominated is wonderful. Check out our Facebook page for further news!