Get Cooking Together – Healthy Eating Drive

Would you like to be a part of our healthy eating drive, you will receive ingredients and recipes delivered to your door to make healthy meals for your family. The Community Family Support Programme offers a range of services that include employability support, family...

✅ FREE Wi-Fi for Families 👩‍👩‍👧‍👧 in North Belfast

✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹ ✅ FREE Wi-Fi for Families 👩‍👩‍👧‍👧 in North Belfast ✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹✹ ✅ Do you work with Families in North Belfast? ✅ Do they require Wi-Fi to help with home learning? ⭐ We can provide one years FREE Wi-Fi available or Wi-Fi cards.⭐...

FREE Wi-Fi for Families in North Belfast

Do you work with Families in North Belfast? Do they require Wi-Fi to help with home learning? We can provide one years FREE Wi-Fi available or Wi-Fi cards. We can HELP you to HELP families. If so get in touch TODAY or...

New Lodge In Lockdown 2020

This film captures some of the amazing community responses in the New Lodge during Lockdown. It shows but a fraction of the huge amount of work conducted by various community and youth groups who sprang into action doing what they could to counteract the isolation and...

New Lodge – Virtual Online Film Day – August 2021

In recent years a number short documentaries have been made by community activists and residents in the Greater New Lodge to highlight issues affecting the local neighbourhood.    Given their low budget nature they may lack some of the gloss and finesse of big...