The anticipated final Health Summit segment, “Empowering Young People to Make Their Place” will be Launched on Friday 28th May @ 9.00am on Ashton Community Trust’s Website.
Link https://www.ashtoncentre.com/healthsummit/
Empowering Young People to Make Their Place
Our understanding that both public health and community safety are inextricably linked is ever-evolving. In this event, young people from New Lodge and Ardoyne, who are helping to shape positive social change across the area, will tell their stories that have led them to participating in and leading creative initiatives in their communities that promote positive mental health, healthy living, urban regeneration and much needed services for young people.
Over the past year, 20 young people and youth leaders from Ardoyne and New Lodge took part in an appreciative inquiry regarding community safety in the area. They carried out over 100 interviews with local residents. The appreciative inquiry focuses on what is strong, not what is wrong in the area so that these strengths can be built on in the future. During this event, we will share headline findings, including a podcast by the young people, reflecting on their experience and findings.
Reflections of partnership working across the areas and further afield are presented through two projects. Urban Scale Interventions’ ‘Bright Ideas’ North Belfast and The Agency, a creative entrepreneurship programme with young people aged 15 to 25 developed by Marcus Faustini in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro and brought to the UK 2013 by Contact, Battersea Arts Centre (BAC), and People’s Palace Projects (PPP).
Other voices on our programme will include youth work practitioners who are actively promoting healthy living and wellbeing when shaping creative approaches to youth work delivery and championing positive social change across North Belfast.
Chair – Eliz McArdle, YouthPact Manager & Lecturer in Community Youth Work, Ulster University.
Presentation – Janice Smith – Lead consultant on Appreciative Inquiry & Community Safety Planning aspects of CIT Programme.
Presentation – Suzie Henderson, Head of Creative Development at Contact, Manchester & joined by Ade, one of two authors who wrote ‘Something To Say’ the result of a project developed through The Agency.
Presentation – Cathal Tunney – Team Lead, Urban Scale Interventions.
Panel Session – Eliz McArdle, Cathal Tunney and Suzie Henderson joined by Katrina Newell, Ashton Community Trust & Sean Devlin, YeHa.
Young People – Interviews include Kaitlynn, Catriona, Liam & Jodie.