North Belfast residents are being encouraged to join an exciting initiative aimed at inspiring new ideas about delivering better health and life outcomes for local people.

North Belfast Appreciative Inquiry Group at the Ashton McSweeney Centre, Henry Place.
Ashton, Belfast City Council, Belfast Health & Social Care Trust, Ulster University and other civic bodies have set up a multi-agency partnership called Healthy North Belfast.
This process aims to place community views at its heart and as part of this co-design commitment, Ashton are hoping to recruit 4 North Belfast residents to represent local views to the Healthy North Belfast (HNB) Task Group & Steering Group.
“North Belfast has significant assets, people, places and resources to be proud of, and we want to focus on these strengths,” said Richard O’Rawe, Ashton chairperson.
“We are insisting on putting community views on what matters to the very heart of this process. We intend to focus on doing more of what the community tell us is already working, build on what works well and look at new projects or partnerships that can have a positive impact on health and life outcomes that will really make a change for our generation and those generations to come.”
Mayor of Belfast Deirdre Hargey formally launched the initiative in Ulster University’s Belfast Campus in September and the following month co-hosted the first meeting of the Task Group at City Hall along with Belfast City Council Chief Executive Suzanne Wylie.
The Healthy North Belfast Task Group includes representation from all of North Belfast’s political parties with MLAs Paula Bradley, Nichola Mallon and Carál Ní Chuilín. Other members include representatives from: Lighthouse, NICVA, Ulster University, Belfast Healthy Cities, Public Health Agency, PSNI, Housing Executive, Department of Justice, Strategic Investment Board, Department of Health, Belfast City Council, Victims & Survivors Service and Belfast Health & Social Trust.
“We invite local North Belfast people to join us because this is a great opportunity to share your knowledge and experience, learn new skills and help to improve health and wellbeing services in your community,” added Richard.
The process is scheduled to complete by the end of October 2019 with a report. Being a Task Group or Steering Group member is a voluntary role but you will not be out of pocket for helping us. Ashton will cover reasonable attendance including travel and childcare. Interested in joining the HNB Working Groups? Please click the link below and return by email to Irene Sherry by December 12, by 12 noon.