A fantastic celebration to mark the end of a fantastic programme! The ‘Uniting Communities through Sport and Creativity Embedding Sustainability Programme’ was Funded by the Department for Communities as part of the T:BUC strategy. Led by Ashton Community Trust and...
Latest News
Ashton excited to introduce new opportunities for training apprenticeships and employment
Ashton Community Trust are excited to introduce new opportunities in training, apprenticeships and employment, please contact our CORE Project or Belfast Works project for further information.
Belfast Works launch May 2021 free training dates
Belfast Works are pleased to be holding a range of training courses throughout May & June 2021. If you would like to register for a training course please enter your contact and eligibility details via https://www.ashtoncentre.com/contactbelfastworks/ and a member...
Building on what is strong: Health North Belfast looks to the Future
Press Release: for immediate release 30.04.2021 Building on what is strong: Health North Belfast looks to the Future Healthy North Belfast: Looking to the Future report is released today (30 April 2021) by the three elected representatives for the area – Paula Bradley...
Can you WOW the community with some magic?
Can you WOW the community with some magic? As part of the Communities in Transition (CIT) Health & Wellbeing programme, Ashton Community Trust, in partnership with Lighthouse and YeHa are delighted to host a virtual Community Celebration Event. We are looking for...
One Stop Shop for employment and training needs
Ashton Community Trust’s Training and Employment Services is a One Stop Shop for employment and training needs. Getting people job ready is what we do! Ashton CORE Project Aged 16-24 and want help finding employment or training? Mentoring | CV’s | Job Searching |...
Let’s Get Cooking Together
Let’s Get Cooking Together with our Community Family Support Programme Healthy Eating Drive - Places Limited Would you like to be a part of our healthy eating drive, you will receive ingredients and recipes delivered to your door to make healthy meals for your family....
Emotional Wellbeing Fun Virtual Events
As part of Communities in Transition (CIT) Health and Wellbeing programme. Ashton Community Trust in partnership with Lighthouse and YeHa are delighted to host virtual activities that will boost and improve emotional wellbeing. All events are free each event has a...
CORE Project: Employability Tutor – Closing date for applications: 12 noon Tuesday 30th March 2021
Job opportunity with Ashton CORE Project For a Candidate Information Booklet please visit: https://www.ashtoncentre.com/latest-news/vacancies/ facebooktwitterinstagramyoutubelinkedin
Changing Behaviours, Changing Lives
North Belfast Garden Grid
Great Places North Belfast
Reconnecting North Belfast Back to the River
Take 5 Steps to Wellbeing – GIVE Animation
The happiest people aren’t those who get the most, but those who give the most. Giving back to your local community by offering your time, money or skills improves your mental health by helping you to connect with others and build a sense of achievement. The Five...
Bridge of Hope will be running a Mental Health First Aid course on the following dates: Date Time Day 1: 10/3/21 2pm-5pm Day 2: 12/3/21 2pm-5pm Day 3: 16/3/21 2pm-5pm Day 4: 23/3/21 9.30-12.30 This course is funded under the Public Health Agency...
Ashton Essential Skills New Course Starting in April 2021
Let’s Get Cooking Together
Empowering Young People to Make Their Place – Date / time to be announced
North Belfast Health Summit #NBHealthSummit For further information on the North Belfast Health Summit, visit here: https://www.ashtoncentre.com/healthsummit/ Book your place here: Date / time to be announced Our understanding...