Due to our phenomenal success and the ever expanding programme of activities on offer, North Belfast Men’s Shed have been looking for a new home for the past number of months and we are happy to announce that we have found it.
We are delighted to announce that from 1st March 2018 we moved to Unit L4BI, Edenderry Industrial Estate, 326 Crumlin Rd, Belfast BT13 3HB. The space is on one level and is much larger than the unit we currently occupy in North City Business Centre.
North Belfast Men’s Shed is a cross community project working with men aged 18+ to help tackle social isolation and promote health and wellbeing. We have a fully operational machine workshop and a variety of craft activities that takes place from 10am to 4pm Monday to Friday. Members organise social outings and get involved in project that benefit the wider community.
If you would like to find out more or are interested in becoming a member just pop in and ask for the duty volunteer. You can also contact Aidan Fitzpatrick on (028) 90 322289 email aidan.fitzpatrick@ashtoncentre.com. The project coordinator is Geraldine Nelson and she can be contacted on 07850651263 or mensshed@ashtoncentre.com Watch out for our new website which will be launched during 2018.