Ashton Community Trust’s Training and Employment Services is a One Stop Shop for employment and training needs.
Getting people job ready is what we do!
Ashton CORE Project
Aged 16-24 and want help finding employment or training?
Mentoring | CV’s | Job Searching | Training | Wellbeing
Flexible and designed to help you achieve your goals!
If you are aged 16-24, not in education or full-time employment, living in the North Belfast area and want help to find employment or training, get in touch for more information and support.
Contact us on 078 012 082 17, email us at or find us on Facebook for more information:
Belfast Works
Job Vacancies | Training | CV Building | Mentoring
Unemployed/not working or working less than 16 hours a week and want help to get a job?
The Belfast Works project is a free service which can help you get into or return to employment. We are city- wide, so no matter where you live in the city, we are close to you.
North Belfast – Ashton Community Trust, South Belfast – GEMSNI
East Belfast – East Belfast Mission, West Belfast – Job Assist Centre West Belfast
Greater Shankill – Job Assist Centre Greater Shankill
We offer a wide range of support services designed to help maximise your potential!
For more information and for further support, contact us on 02890 742255, email us at: or contact us via Facebook: