The primary aim of the service is to build and enhance family well-being and family relationships and help families access jobs, training and lifelong learning opportunities CFSP is completely voluntary and is needs led. We offer you:
- 6 months support (and 6 months ‘light touch’ support upon leaving the programme)
- An assessment and action planning directed by you upon entering the programme
- One to one support for your family
- Whole family activities (family fun days out, family activities)
- Building family relationships
- Helping members of the family access jobs and/or training
- Housing issues and advice
- Referral to counselling or other community/voluntary organisations
- Personal and social group activities
- Learning opportunities to gain new skills
During the programme families will receive help from professionally qualified family support workers to address the health, social economic, educational, employment and training issues that impact on their daily lives. CFSP will ensure that the delivery of support is directly matched to the expressed needs of families engaged.
For further information contact:
Jeanette O’Neill
Community Family Support Co-ordinator
(028) 95609522